Monday, November 2, 2009

November 2, 2009. Canyon Lake, Tx. Texas.

Today when looking outside at first light, I could see why the good people of more northern climes choose to come to Texas for the winter. The sun was shining and the sky was bright blue. The temperature was 65, heading to seventy five degrees. In other words, the weather was perfect. For the two weeks since our arrival, the RV parks have been filling up. Several we pass on our drive from the lake to the city are already full. Wisconsin, Minnesota, Michigan, Iowa. We spot license plates from these States, also Manitoba and Saskatchewan from Canada. They are here for one very good reason... no snow. Really two good reasons... no ice and no snow. The winters can be chilly and very often rainy, but not until late January and February.

Texas is growing. Not only the retired folks from the north who stay the winter (called the Northern Texans) and often stay to live permanently, but also the working people in search of jobs and the headquarters of major companies in search of a better business climate. Sixteen years ago, David and Suzanne moved to San Antonio to find a sleepy city where the roads were ahead of the people and where the traffic was light at all times. Not any more. The city is often overlooked by the nation but it is the seventh city in population in the Nation, giving Texas three cities in the top ten. The most important thing about Texas is the people and their spirit. They are enthusiastic and energetic, and they don't back down, which is probably why many people do not like Texans. But we do and we like it here and we like Texans. Even the second grade girls on the soccer field do not hang back, even on the co-ed team. They plough right into the play, just any good Texan would do. Cultural or genetic, who knows? I do know that Texas is a different kind of place.

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