Tuesday, November 3, 2009

November 3, 2009. Canyon Lake, Tx. Humble.

First thing this morning, I spotted my empty pill box. I went to retrieve the next full one, only to discover that they were no where to be found. Neither the bag with the new full pillbox nor the three bottles of medication were in their normal place. So I thought. It took me a nano second to remember that I left the two bags at the ranch, in my bed side table. That means we must return to the ranch, then come back to the lake the same day. Fortunately the weather was clear and sunny and we could drive on back roads, but it is a four hour round trip, all to amend for my stupidity.

Yesterday I was feeling smug. Through the day I did the laundry, then organized the Christmas gifts for the San Antonio family. Next I arranged my belongings for the trip home. I am leaving a box of supplies and clothes with David and Suzanne, (not in the car but in their home). The trip home requires a supply of clothes and toiletries, also we are stopping by Jackson on the way home and we have purchased stuff for our new apartment. My task was complicated, but by evening, I was all done and ready to leave on Wednesday. The gifts were lined up by the front door along with the boxes of belongings. I was definitely feeling competent.

Every so often, something comes along to take me back to being humble. Today was the day. Actually, our lunch at the Red Rose Restaurant in Blanco was worth the trip. Our day was a success. I got humbled, retrieved my medications, ate a wonderful lunch at a new restaurant and had a lovely drive on country roads. Ken did not even complain!! He is probably happy to have me humble, at least for a day.

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