Monday, November 16, 2009

November 16, 2009. Chevy Chase, Md. Networking.

How times have changed. This has been my seventh convention, held by The National Association of Realtors. One of the goals of the meeting has always been to meet fellow Realtors and put them on our personal mailing list, in an effort to obtain referrals. Our theory has been that every agent knows someone who has gotten themselves promoted and will move to the Washington area. We want to help their client purchase a home here. It has worked. Before and after the meetings and sitting around the table eating lunch, the agents and I from the office have worked hard to get to know other agents from other areas of the country. Our system was interesting and productive.

Now in November 2009, our old system does not work. Even at lunch, every one keeps their eyes focused on their Blackberry, answering e mails, sending messages, talking on their phone. The agents from work who I am having lunch with are doing the same. The same is true while sitting for the class to begin. Almost every one in the room is working. The opportunity to talk to anyone new is impossible. Several times I interrupted the work on the Blackberry, but after a monosyllable answer to my question, the person quickly buried themselves in their little machine. This is definitely a change from past years. I wonder if it is beneficial?

1 comment:

dave buckley said...

Sounds like you need to propose a ban on the use of PDAs for certain events such as meals, meet and greats or whatever. You would think that at least at meals people would recognize how rude it is to use these devices. who in the world is that important?
