Friday, August 13, 2010

August 13, 2010. Western Head, N.S. Lobster.

It is the most wonderful lunch in the world, eating lobster sitting on the deck overlooking the Atlantic Ocean. Just lobster and bread. This morning, Bill and Marg, Don and Doreen went shopping for both lunch and dinner. Lobster for lunch and scallops for dinner. Ken cooked the lobster on the back deck. We own a hot propane stove just for cooking lobster, along with a large stock pot, big enough to cook eight two pound lobsters. Then we tucked in to eat out on the deck. It was great. Ken, who normally is a purist about not eating butter, dips his lobster in the melted butter along with the best of us.

"The Secret Life of Lobster" was published in 2004 and I read it three years ago, giving me a new regard for lobster and lobster man. I expected it to be a dry book but found it to be very interesting. Every time I eat lobster I am reminded of all the facts and details gleaned from that book. I am still astonished that anyone started to eat lobster. They are so intimidating. In the olden days in Nova Scotia, lobster was used as fertilizer in the gardens. But now, everyone eats lobster here in Nova Scotia. The sale of lobster is the biggest sales volume for fishermen here, which is a big change from fifty years ago.

Today, eating lobster on the deck for lunch, is close to heaven.

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