Monday, August 16, 2010

August 16, 2010. Western Head, N.S. Errands.

Everything takes longer here in Liverpool, Nova Scotia, even though the distances are short and the population is small. For instance, I left the house at eleven this morning to run four errands. My tasks were to return two platters to Larry and Jan, talk to Mary and Walt about a business matter, mail a package to Allison and Samantha, and finally, pick up a small number of objects at the grocery store. It drives Gill crazy, at least the first few days after her arrival here from Toronto. Soon she relaxes and gets used to the speed. I arrived back home at three in the afternoon, without eating lunch.

First stop was Jan and Larry. I had called to be sure they were there, so they had a new pot of coffee ready to serves us all a second cup, so we chatted. Their neighbor, Mary Lou, who I had not met, came in to borrow milk, so we talked a bit too. They have a cabin in the woods close to the big park and spend every weekend there, working for the Tobiatic Research Center, where her husband is a Biologist, investigating rare plants in Nova Scotia. It was interesting talking to her. She is a Podiatrist, working in Bridgewater. My meeting with Mary and Walt went well, then Mary wanted me to see their new home on Waterloo Street. They are down-sizing so we chatted about their massive organization task, going from three full floors of their present home into a small bungalow.

The post office was speedy, but not the grocery store. I had five objects on my list but I arrived home with eight big bags of groceries. And I forgot one of the objects on my list. I chatted with two friends at the grocery store. My checker was sweet and pleasant but slow. Eventually I was done, and finally was home for lunch. My check list was complete.

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