Tuesday, August 24, 2010

August 24, 2010. Western Head, N.S. Surfing.

I can not imagine why anyone would want to go out into the cold water and spend hours riding the waves, but they do. And they like it. Whenever there is forecast for a storm at sea, the surfers arrive and stay until the waves die away. Cell phones make all the difference. Some surfer comes out to check the waves and soon their phone is busy. Next they put on their wet suits and head into the water. Soon, more surfers appear. From our bedroom window they look like seals bobbing in the water but on closer inspection you can see they are real people. They must have arrived early because by eight o'clock three surfers were out in the water, catching their rides. It is a pretty sight.

One of our local Doctors is a surfer, in fact he and his wife moved here because of the surfing. When the surf is up, Dr. G. will be found out on the water, with all appointments cancelled for the rest of the day. Folks here think this approach is perfectly acceptable, in fact, his patients come out to watch him surf. This summer the ocean has been gentle and calm but today the surf is up so the surfers are out. There is a storm further south in the Atlantic which is probably causing the big waves in Nova Scotia. I'm just pleased to stay on dry land.

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