Wednesday, August 4, 2010

August 4, 2010. Western Head, N.S. Departures.

David and Irene took all eight of us to the Quarterdeck Grill for lunch today. It was a celebration, that we were all together, and to get ready for the departure of David and Suzanne and the four girls tomorrow morning. It was a grand and festive lunch. Good food and good company. The girls bought a souvenir at the gift shop.

Now they have been invited to Gill's for an hour or so, just to say goodbye and have a glass of wine. Gill loves the girls. They are all so interested and lively and quick. Gill always loved David as a child. She called him her green eyed monster and she named her second son after him. Now she considers them all part of her family, and they all feel the same about her, even though they live in San Antonio and she lives in Toronto.

Next they will be with Wendy and Claussen, at their house, to say goodbye to the three dogs as well as Little C. and Tojo and Connie. Little Claussen, who is almost two, calls them "The Dickie Girls" and loves them to come calling. Four young girls giving him constant attention is not to be ignored and he enjoys every minute with them. Now tomorrow they will be flying home to San Antonio after a lovely lazy vacation. School is just ten days away so they must get ready.

We will all miss them but have enjoyed every minute of their visit here.

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