Saturday, August 28, 2010

August 27, 2010. Western Head, N.S. Anniversaries.

One year on our anniversary we answered phones for the PBS fundraiser in Washington. It was fun, raising money on the T.V. for the local station. Many times in the early years of our marriage we were travelling, so the dates of the month were not noticed. Many years we would return home to Toronto, only to discover that we missed both Ken's birthday and our anniversary. Our habit was to not make a fuss, until our 50TH, when we held a two week party in Nova Scotia.

Yesterday was more normal for the day of our anniversary. From one to four we volunteered at Sea Fest at the Canteen. Ken helped the cook, chopping onions and potatoes and slicing tomatoes, while I took orders and money and served hot dogs and drinks. Nancy L. was helping too. I chose that time slot because I thought the crowds would be sparse and I was right, but it was steady. The rest of the time we talked. We had fun.

In the evening, Mary and Walt took us to Charlotte Lane for dinner to complete our celebration. Walt drove down and Mary, as our designated driver, drove home. We ate and drank and celebrated especially because Mary was using a gift certificate. We came within 7 Dollars of the amount of the gift. It was a lovely evening with wonderful food and good conversation with friends, in other words, an evening to remember.

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