Sunday, June 26, 2011

June 26, 2011. Western Head, Nova Scotia. The Sun.

The sun is shining here in Nova Scotia and everything in the area is sparkling.  The dogwood trees are in bloom and the shrubs too.  The Irises around the pond are a vivid purple.  Everything is bright, even the grass and all because the sun is shining.  Yesterday, when we were tired,  we both commented on the beauty of the blossoms, but it wasn't quite the same as today, where the sun is shining.  It is quite an amazing difference.

Yesterday, the house looked warm and inviting, just as it should coming home.  It is quite wonderful, here at our little house by the shore.  Rather like a miracle.

But the darking hulk of the burned out Carriage House is ugly.  Today I went and walked around inside.  It looks terrible.  I quickly took a long hot shower to rid myself of the small and taste of smoke.  I am not entering it again.

Today the sun is shining and our whole world is bright, here in Nova Scotia.

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