Tuesday, June 7, 2011

June 7, 2011. Artemas, PA. Our Complicated Life.

Today I met with Tammy, who looks after our house here at the farm.    One of the items on my list  for discussion was to ask her to run every tap and flush every toilet at least once a month.  She seemed puzzled until I explained the reason;  then she understood.   Now we have two houses at the farm so this task is not insignificant.  Lizzie, who is eight, agreed to take on the task.

Then I met with our Postmaster.  Small post offices are the best type.  When a package arrives that is too big for our box, she calls me to tell me that the package was left at the farm house, on the porch.  Our system for mail is to have our mail forwarded to a mailing service, which is in Florida.  We either e mail or call the mail service to tell them where we are.  About once a week or so, we ask them to mail us our mail, which arrives in a box via regular mail.   Our nice postmaster is happy now that we are at the farm.

Without the computer and the Internet we could not function.  Even then, our lives are complicated.  But it is never boring, which is a good thing!!

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