Friday, October 12, 2012

October 12, 2012. Lexington, Va. Temperature.

This morning at the farm the temperature was 32 degrees.  It was a beautiful sunny day, although chilly.  We met Phyllis and Fred for lunch in Hagerstown, dining at The House of Kobe, our favorite Japanese restaurant.  They drove up from Bethesda on their motor cycle, both looking like Darth Vader.  When they left home, the day was sunny with no wind but by the time we left the restaurant the day looked ominous.  The day was colder with lots of wind, and they were facing a drive home on the bike.  Ken and I were happy to get into the truck and head south.

As we drove south on Highway 81, the temperature started going up.  From 45 in Hagerstown it got to 60 in Staunton, until,  arriving in Lexington it was a lovely 72 degrees, which is perfect weather, in my opinion.  We are leaving Pennsylvania in the nick of time and we are happy.

Many years ago, Ken and I were forced to stay overnight in Lexington.  On the way home from the Greenbrier where we had spent a few days after Christmas with my brother and sister in law, Dave and Irene, my brother, who was driving behind us,  noted our smoking tire.  We stopped in Lexington at a garage for repairs.   Dave and Irene went back to our home while we checked into a motel.  The garage man lent us a car so we were able to go into town and look around.  Now we are here again, thirty years later.  We hope we have no truck trouble this time.

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