Tuesday, December 1, 2009

December 1, 2009. Nuevo Vallarta, Mexico. Light.

All of a sudden, the lights went off. There we were, feeling fat and happy after eating a bowl of ice cream and watching the first play of the football game, when the lights went off. Total darkness. As we sat in the dark, we discussed our preparations for life without light and discovered to our horror that we had no provisions. No candles, no oil lamp, no flashlights, not even any matches. I remembered that Ken brought a reading lamp, battery operated, that you clip on your book and I reminded Ken that he usually brings a flashlight in his back pack. At first we just stayed in the dark and talked, and when no lights returned, we figured that we should do something. The apartment was pitch black at first, but soon we realized that there was still a bit of light outside so we could get around a bit, so we put on our night shirts and Ken found the book light. We were set.

For the next hour, we squeezed together reading from our Kindle, using one small light. It worked quite well except your neck got a bit of a crick!! The battery operated computer worked well as a night light as we groper around the apartment. Finally, we decided to go to bed. This was the first time without power in our apartment. Also it was the first time we have experienced rain. In the late afternoon, we had gone walking on the beach. It was spitting rain when we headed out but, as we know it does not rain in December, we kept walking, and returned to our home with no trouble. Within minutes, the skies opened up and the rain fell hard. Thunder and lightning everywhere, all evening.

The moral of the story is 1. Travel with two flashlights and 2. Stay home when it is raining.

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