Thursday, July 1, 2010

July 1, 2010. Chevy Chase, Md. Beach Party.

Think sun and sand and beach and think party. Now think an office beach party on our back parking lot complete with hamburgers, hot dogs and fried chicken and think fun. It is a wonder how much fun we can have pretending on the beach. This year we had a big wading pool for the children but the County had a water moratorium so we could not fill the pool, but the children had a great time anyway. Of course we served beer and sodas and water and Margareta's. Chips and pickles too. It was a lovely party.

We were celebrating Canada Day too although most folks were not aware of it. But I told them who also sang with me a rousing rendition of Oh Canada. It turns out the hockey fans knew all the words!! The weather was beautiful at seventy five degrees and sunny. Some days everything goes right.

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