Thursday, July 8, 2010

July 8, 2010. Chevy Chase, Md. Eyes.

For the first time in over sixty years I can see clearly without the aid of eyeglasses. I can see the trees across the street , even the individual leaves, right when I get out of bed. For all those many years, the first thing I did after waking up was putt on my glasses. Now I can even read the time, even though the clock is on Ken's side. But of course, every problem solved brings another issue to address and that is close up vision. Keeping reading glasses close to me will be a necessity. Already at work I use Sara Lou's reading glasses from her desk and another pair on my own desk and of course a pair at home. My fancy new lens does allow me to read without reading glasses and now that my both eyes see well, perhaps I will rid myself of this appendage but I'm not holding my breath.

Every procedure is a little different, irritating in each own way. Today I was left feeling nauseated but after I slept for an hour and ate lunch, my strong stomach has returned to normal and now I am merely grateful for my vision. Do not talk to be about the good old days. I want the technology of today for eye surgery. It is a modern miracle. You can even say that I am perfect, at least as it pertains to my eyes!!

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