Tuesday, July 6, 2010

July 6, 2010. Chevy Chase, Md. The World Cup.

It is definitely exciting, tracking the World Cup. Those countries that were expected to win or at least play in the final game lost and went home. Brazil is gone. Argentina is gone. Only one team from Africa got out of the first round. The US was expected to get to the quarter finals at least. Now we are back to the old days, where teams from Europe will compete in the final games for the championship. Spain will play Germany tomorrow in one semi-final game. It is my guess Germany will win. I have been wrong before.

I just like to see the highlights of the games and the goals. Watching the whole game is painful. I want them to enlarge the goal and allow for more substitutions. The players seem to play half the time just kicking the ball around keeping the ball away from the opposite team. Every so often an attack is launched with perhaps a shot on goal, then it is back to just kicking the ball around, all to rest the players for the next offensive. I love the whole spectacle of the World Cup but I hate to watch the games. Fortunately we have no TV at the farm or in Mississippi so I have been fortunate to see only the highlights of the games. Today at work Damian on his TV had the game and for fifteen minutes we watched three goals scored. I loved being in the right place at the right time.

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