Friday, July 30, 2010

July 30, 2010. Western Head, N.S. Mornings.

Mornings are the most relaxing time of the day. We have had ten people living here. One by one people drift down to the kitchen and dining room, talking and drinking coffee or sitting mutely looking out at sea. First Mal gets up out in the Carriage House, makes a cup of tea for Pat then goes for either a run or a bike ride. Next Pat walks for half an hour. By eight they are in the main house kitchen, making coffee and eating breakfast, usually all alone. Soon Ken and I arrive on the scene and eat and talk. Either Allison or Samantha is the first girl downstairs. They sit at the dining room wearing a big fleece jacket trying to get warm, then eventually getting some breakfast. The last girl up is always Abigail.

Suzanne and David amble down, drink a cup of coffee and talk, then take turns riding the bicycle around the loop, as we have only one bicycle. Of course, every time they make the ride they try to make it faster. David eats while Suzanne rides, then he heads out. The girls right now are practicing their knots for the sailing class. They have fed the fish, watched the birds and have generally been mellow. No major activity, certainly no disagreements. Mornings on vacations are special. No schedule, no pressure. Just pure pleasure.

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