Monday, July 12, 2010

July 12, 2010. Chevy Chase, Md. Nova Scotia.

Our friends Wendy and Claussen are driving to Nova Scotia later this week, and so are we. It is such an exciting thought that we had dinner together last evening at their home. In addition we watched a good bit of the World Cup in their newly done lower level room complete with a new 52 inch TV, all very elegant and comfortable. The afternoon and evening was fun and relaxing. Claussen prepared the meal by purchasing pre-cooked ribs that he just had to heat in the oven. Clever and tasty too. Cole slaw and potato salad completed the meal. My contribution was blueberry pie from The Belle Grove restaurant near the farm.

We compared routes and places to stay on the road. They travel with three dogs so they are limited by what motels allow pets. We intend to mosey along, probably taking three days to get there. They will be tourist and visit Prince Edward Island for a couple of days before arriving at their home in Western Head. When asked, we told them all about the place, finally admitting that we had not been there since 1962. It is exciting that all four families will soon be together again in Nova Scotia. Last summer was the last time we had seen each other together so the anticipation is great. In fact, it is party central with a wine tasting party every evening, rotating from one home to the next. Soon we will all be on the road heading north for clean warm air and no one hundred degree days in sight. We are so fortunate.

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