Saturday, July 10, 2010

July 10, 2010. Artemas, Pa. Progress.

The new hay barn is already half full and looks spectacular. Ken and I watched as Brian put the big round bales into the barn, just neat as a pin, using a Bobcat with arms to grab the bales then stack them three tiers high. Very nifty. Tomorrow will finish the job and the new barn will be full. It made me wonder why we didn't build a bigger barn.

Today a very nice young couple signed a lease on the rental house. They will take possession in September. The house looks great with the new flooring and carpet and counter top. They are thrilled. I was so pleased for them that I wondered why I don't return to my life as a real estate agent and help buyers own their own home for the first time. He is a roofer by trade and is young and energetic and quiet so I hope they are good tenants. Certainly, I liked them both.

Progress has been made and that is pleasing to me. Tonight Sarah who lives right beside the rental house came to join us to drink a glass of wine and sit by the fire. We chattered for a long time, which was the first time we have said more than three or sentences to each other. This is another bit of progress here at the farm, to get to know our neighbors better. Soon I will be smug with all this progress.

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