Friday, May 13, 2011

May 13, 2011. Jackson, Mississippi. A Special Dinner.

It was everything a three and a half year old could want.  Parents and grandparents and no big sisters, dining in a Japanese restaurant, where the food just kept coming.  Molly loved it.  Being an only child suited least for the one evening.

We ordered quickly and the soup arrived immediately.  Molly ate two portions.  Actually, she drank two portions, hers and Andrew's,  eating  soup the Japanese style of eating miso soup from the bowl.  Soon the salad arrived, followed in order,  dumplings then chicken on a stick.  Finally, Molly's dinner came in a box, with a variety of food, which she proceeded to eat the whole thing, including the cabbage.

We even indulged ourselves with dessert.   And we got home before the big girls arrived from their rehearsal.  It was a very special dinner, with just Molly.

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