Monday, May 16, 2011

May 16, 2011. Jackson, Mississippi. The Goslings.

There are several pairs of Canada Geese on the reservoir where we live.  When we arrived, we were delighted to see four goslings swimming along between their parents, all in a row.  They were small with light color fluffy feathers.  That was ten days ago.  How quickly they have grown.  Now they are darker and almost as big as the adults but with smaller wings.  They still swim along in a row, always between the parents.  It is a lovely sight.

This morning Ken spotted four new goslings, much smaller than the last ones.  No doubt about it,  they are very cute.  But I bet all the permanent residents are not as pleased as me.  One pair of Canada Geese at the farm was charming but ten pair makes for a big mess, so I suspect something will be done about these geese, unless they migrate north.  But I like seeing the little goslings.  Just clean up the mess.

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