Friday, July 15, 2011

July 15, 2011. Western Head, NS. The Rossignol Center.

It is quite a remarkable collection for a town as small of Liverpool.  Sherwin Hines is a world renowned photographer who was born and raised in Liverpool.  He has never forgotten his roots.  All his life he has collected objects from all around the world.  Whenever he was making pictures, he was also collecting, and kept the stuff in storage, for some time when it could be displayed.

Twenty years ago, the old city hall was sold to Mr. Hines, with the provision that he  keep a museum  open for the public.  It is now a Museum of Photography and holds a small collection of his bronze sculpture in addition to the history of photography.  Gill and I have enjoyed the museum many times.

Then five years ago, the old elementary school was empty when a new modern school was built, so again Mr. Hines accepted the task of putting his collection on display to the public.  It is quite a  place and well worth a visit.    I am always impressed that all these objects were amassed by one person.

Today, Mary, Gill and I went to The Rossignol Center to see a new art show:  "Art On The Wall", all done with fabric.    We are in an obscure town in a small province of Canada, but the art work we saw today was beautiful.  Amazing stuff.

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