Friday, July 1, 2011

July 30. 2011. Western Head, NS. Canada Day.

First we thought we would go to the cottage to celebrate Canada Day but then we decided to attend Privateer Days in Liverpool.  Instead we stayed home and worked,  Ken, in the yard trimming the bushes while I completing the task of the list of destroyed objects from The Carriage House.  Now I must obtain current prices before  turning it  in to Graham, our insurance adjuster.

The weather has turned cool and windy, at least at the shore.  Ken and I have been a bit anti-social since arriving in Nova Scotia.   Ken is busy working on the yard and I have not taking the time to call any of our local friends, probably because Ken needs a bit of a break.  This summer we have decided to entertain at the cottage more often than at the ocean house, and to entertain over the lunch time.  We will see if it works.

Canada Day is a national holiday and flags are flying all over town.  It is only recently that Canadians became patriotic, so Canada Day is the day to shine.  It is a happy occasion.

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