Saturday, November 3, 2012

November 3, 2012. Harper, Texas. Steven Frayne

Steven Frayne does incredible magic.  My friend Doreen sent me a You Tube clip showing three of his tricks.  I was astonished.  Several months ago, Ken and spotted Steven on TV while we were surfing the channels.  On that show he was showing his tricks to people on the street.  It was wonderful, but we did not know his name and actually only watched for five minutes.

This morning I watched the You Tube tricks again and also looked up more about him on Google.  Now I know that he is an English magician who goes by the name of Dynamo.  He is 28 years old.  Under the category that something good comes out of everything, when Steven was 11, he was diagnosed with Crones Disease and spent six months in the hospital with several surgeries.  His uncle taught him some magic tricks, just to pass the time and the rest his history.  He has been learning and perfecting his craft ever since.

He is well worth watching.  A new show of his called Magician Impossible is just out in October.  The things he does is clearly impossible...but he does them.  And it is such fun watching.

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