Wednesday, November 7, 2012

November 7, 2012. Harper, Texas. Company.

It is always interesting to have company.  Yesterday Marilyn and Richard came to visit us here at the ranch.  When they arrived at 2:30, we sat around the fire for almost three hours catching up.  We talked about the work at the ranch and we talked about our children and grandchildren.  The election did not even come up, we were so busy discussing our own lives and families.   And they approved the bunkhouse.

For the first time in ages, Marilyn asked me about my loss of speaking, all those years ago.  She asked about it because she was not hearing many errors in my speech, which is nice to hear although it may not be true.  And we discussed their place in Colorado, with it's supply of clean water just bubbling up from the ground winter and summer, year after year.  Interesting place that we will visit one day soon.

Then we went up the hill for dinner, which was easy:  cold beef tenderloin, rice and broccoli.  and we talked some more.  One topic was company and how we thrive and survive with so much company.  My answer is that Ken just disappears for a while to be alone and I never fuss, so have no stress dealing with company.  In fact, I actually enjoy having company.

It wasn't until they were leaving to drive down to the ranch house for the night that I asked for a prediction on the election.  And they proved accurate.  In the morning, they came back up the hill for breakfast and by 10:30 they were gone, back to Houston.  It was a whirlwind visit but a pleasant one.

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