Wednesday, April 16, 2014

April 17, 2014. Oosterdam. The Wonderful World.

In many respects, this is a wonderful world.. Here we are, ordinary people, visiting an island in the Pacific Ocean that is anyone’s idea of gorgeous. The water is aqua marine in color and 85 degrees in temperature. The coral reefs abound. And we sit in a beautiful ship overlooking the whole bay. On our ship we have about a third Canadians, Americans and Australians. In other words, everyone looks the same, until we open our mouths,but we are all in wonderland. Fifty years ago, the man I met at breakfast would not have been on a cruise ship in the south Pacific. But now, in today’s world, he travels the seven seas. He is retired and single. In his working life, he worked as a groundskeeper on a gold course, so not a high paying job, but here he is, living the high life and enjoying every minute of it. What he does is to sign on for a cruise at the last minute where the rates are seriously discounted. “I can afford those rates,” says he to me. “It is cheaper than staying at home.” It is a great world. This man is having a great time and the cruise line has filled the ship. Hurrah for today.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm Sure you meant he worked on a "golf" course.