Wednesday, September 10, 2014

September 10, 2014. Western Head, N.S. A Book.

My friend Susan e mailed me today with an idea she had been thinking about for a long time. It involves me. Susan and her husband purchased a home from me when I was an agent and soon after I became a Manager, she came to work with us an an agent in the office. By that time she had three children and she thought that the flexible hours would work for her. She was correct. She was very successful because she became efficient and smart with her use of time. That was a long time ago. As an agent, she saw first hand the growth of the office and she thinks I should write a book, giving the story of how one office grew from one hundred thousand volume to a over a billion per year. She specifically wants me to tell the systematic way an office can grow. Over the years, I have given talks to several real estate companies and their managers giving the five essentials to the growth of an office but that is a long way from writing a book. My problem is contacts. I know no one in the publishing business. And I am not sure my writing is good enough. Several other issues arise immediately, not the least is "Who would want to read such a book?" It requires much thought.


Set said...

I second Susan's suggestion. We could find a good ghost writer or editor. I'm sure lots of managers would read the book - not just those in real estate - if they could learn lessons to apply to their own offices. I'd help, if you need me to.

Set said...

BTW, Set is Sarah Toppins. I had forgotten that I had set this up as a somewhat anonymous blog.

Joe Rubin said...

Oh Ruth, you simply must do this. I've spoken to Sarah a bit and we are all over this. There are many among us that can prod you along. Do it!!