Thursday, September 4, 2014

September 4, 2014. Pleasantfield, N.S. Technology.

Twenty years ago we could do without it, but not today. Spending two weeks at the cottage was very pleasant, except for the lack of the Internet, so we decided to fix it. While still at the cottage, we ordered the installation from Eastlink, our provider of service at Western Head. Today, two young men arrived to put up a post directly to the cottage. We expected them to put a dish to the post but instead they attached a 6 foot antennae. A hole was drilled into the cottage and after checking to be sure that the antennae was working and bringing in the signals, the two polite young men attached cords and a power pack and now our computer is working and is connected to the Internet. Modern communication is wonderful but only when you have installed the hardware. And of course, you hope that the systems will work. The first power pack was bad. It was new but it would not work, so the technician brought a new one from their truck. It turned out that the second one had no batteries either but it took two young men to think about batteries. Now all we need is a remote router so we can use our iPads. It is easier to monitor e mails on the iPad than the computer. But for now, the computer is working like a champ at the cottage. Technology is wonderful.

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