Saturday, September 10, 2016

September 10, 2016. Western Head, Nova Scotia. Bob and Janice.

Bob was the real estate agent who listed and sold our Pennsylvania farms.   He and his partner were referred to me by friend Gary.  Three years before we were ready to sell, we had many questions about selling country property and Bob and his partner gave us all the answers.  For instance, we were wondering if we should subdivide the rental property and sell it all by itself as a single unit.  Their answer was wise and we did nothing.  Bob went out of his way to be helpful even though he knew we were not selling soon.  But time goes by.

First we listed and sold the old farm, which we had purchased in 1973.  Then two years later we sold our beautiful farm to a buyer perfect for that farm.  Throughout all the negotiations, Bob remained positive and helpful and efficient.  He was an excellent agent.   When we settled, I e mailed him and invited him and his wife Janice to stay in the Guest House in Nova Scotia.  Much to our pleasure and after consultation with Janice, they made a date to drive to Nova Scotia in September, 2016 to explore the area while staying in the Guest House.

This afternoon late, they drove into our yard.  We were delighted to see them.   We invite lots of people to stay in the Guest House but most people do not take us up on the invitation.  Or they accept, but never make a date to come which always leaves me confused with the calendar.  I have learned to put nothing in the calendar until people give me a firm date.   But now Bob and Janice are sound asleep in the Guest House.  We will enjoy their company and they will enjoy the view from the deck of the Guest House.

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