Monday, September 19, 2016

September 19, 2016. Western Head, Nova Scotia. Frances Y.

Frances looks wonderful.  Two years ago, she met a severe blow.  Her husband of many years, Kelly,  died suddenly.  I wondered how she would weather the storm and sorrow of his passing.   Everything they did was done together from the ukulele strummers to the gardening so I was anxious for her future.  In addition, Kelly was lots of fun, enthusiastic and energetic, so being around him gave you a lift and I wondered how she would manage alone.

Frances misses Kelly every day of her life but she has carried on with her life cheerfully.  She plays in the Mersey Band and the Liverpool Swing Band.  She is still an active member of the Ukulele Strummers.  She is the Band librarian.  Her two little dogs keep her company.  Her garden is still magnificent but she now hires two ladies to help with the weeding and transplanting.  She entertains, but always at lunch.  At least once a week she goes sailing with Mary and Clif.  Her dear friends Ros and Jim have her for an early dinner every Sunday.  It seems that a Sunday by yourself can be lonely.

I once read that a happily married couple have an easier time on the death of the spouse that are those folks who had an unhappy marriage.   Frances is a perfect example.  Kenny and Frances had a happy marriage and made major contributions to their communities.  Frances is carrying on with their tradition.  And she looks just great.

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