Saturday, September 24, 2016

September 24, 2016. Western Head, Nova Scotia. The Blue Jays.

Until last summer, I paid no attention to the Blue Jays, but last summer our friend Don, who was visiting, watched every game they played so I watched some games too.  As is usually the case, as I got to know more about the team and the players, I began to get interested.  My timing was perfect.  I watched the first game last year with Don and asked if they were going to make the playoffs.   Don thought no.  But the general manager traded for some good players and the Blue Jays went on a tear.  Not only did they start winning and made the playoffs but they went deep into the tournament.  Finally their batters forgot to hit the ball and they lost but not until I had great fun watching them win all those games.

Now this is another year and the Blue Jays are again fighting for a spot in the playoffs, hoping to get in as a wild card.  They have just beaten the Yankees twice in a row which pleases everyone.  They have 8 more games in the season, and must win 4 in order to guarantee them a spot.  It would help if Boston would stop winning but it looks as if they will win the division.  And the pesky Orioles continue to win too.  The playoff season has begun and I continue to cheer for the Blue Jays especially when I am in Canada.  When we go to Texas I will have difficulty watching their games, at least until the playoffs begin so I might switch to a Texas team.  October baseball is the best.  I am ready to have fun.

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