Tuesday, September 13, 2016

September 13, 2016. Western Head, Nova Scotia. The Birthday Party.

Everyone brought a dish and celebrated the birthday of Karen, held at Gill's home.  Everyone loved the idea.  The food was excellent with great variety.  All of Karen's friends were there so I was able to see folks I had not seen this summer which was fun.  Twenty of us sat down to dinner at one long table.    Many years ago, Gill had asked David Nickerson to build her a drop leaf table that would fit at the end of her dining table, which was also built by David.  Of course it was a perfect fit so tonight the dining room looked like a banquet table.   So good to plan ahead.

Karen was pleased with her party which is the most important part of a birthday party.  And everyone was happy to contribute to the festivities by bring a dish.  For Gill, it is still a lot of work but we stayed long enough to return chairs and tables to their rightful place so she will not have too much work tomorrow.  The dishwasher was loaded and ready to go.  People who don't give parties have no idea how much work occurs after the party is over but we left her home in good shape.  Tomorrow Gill goes to New York to celebrate her granddaughters birthday.  But tonight we all celebrated together the birthday with Karen.   The party was full of a festive feeling and a good time was had by all.  Well done Gill.

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