Friday, September 16, 2016

September 16, 2016. Western Head, Nova Scotia. Walt and Mary.

A celebration was in order.  For the first time since Walt suffered a massive heart attack,  Walt and Mary came to our home for dinner.  We ate a perfectly ordinary dinner:  spaghetti with meat sauce and a salad, with Rita's home made butter tarts for dessert, but we were thrilled to be having dinner together, so we celebrated.

Mary brought us a dozen roses which now sit on the coffee table as a reminder of our milestone.   Progress has been made.  Walt now has dialysis in Liverpool at the hospital, rather than driving to Halifax three times each week.  The cardiologist tells Walt that he is healing well.   And most importantly, Walt is pleased with his progress.  So we celebrated even though no one was drinking any wine.  When Walt left for home, he fed the fish, something he has done at every visit in the past.  There were times when Walt thought that he might never feed those fish again.  We all smiled and cheered.

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