Monday, September 26, 2016

September 26, 2016. Western Head, Nova Scotia. Chilly Weather.

Last night the temperature dipped to 45 degrees.  Ken turned on our bedroom heat.  The time has come to organize to move south and follow the birds.  Today Gill helped me move tables in the garage to leave space for the truck.  And she and I brought the table from the deck into the garage to be stored.   She also brought in the lounge chairs.  I am grateful for Gill.

The rest of the day I puttered in the garage.  The chest freezer is now empty and unplugged.  The remaining food was moved into the freezer in the kitchen fridge or into the garage fridge to be eaten.  We have been eating on the food from the freezer in the garage ever since we arrived in July.  The other evening Ken and I ate South West Chicken Soup, made by Christina in early July and carefully labelled and stored in the freezer.  It was delicious.

But the days are feeling like autumn.   Even when the sun is shining all day, I need to wear a long sleeved shirt over my T-shirt.  Clearly, it is time to move to Texas.

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