Monday, September 12, 2016

September 11, 2016. Western Head, Nova Scotia. Simple Pleasures.

Every Wednesday I would go into the tiny store,  chat with the lady sitting behind the counter on her stool and buy a loaf of rye bread.  I paid the 19 cents for the bread and left.  Our apartment was across the street above the hardware store.  The bread was delicious and the severely handicapped lady always cheerful.  When the store closed and both the lady and the bread vanished, one of the small pleasures of my life vanished too.

Saturday night, I got into bed and another small pleasure arrived in my life in the form of new sheets. I like to use flannel sheets in Nova Scotia.  Several years ago my good sheets fell apart.  I bought flannel sheets in town.  They were not good sheets but I have been using them ever since, complaining in my mind ever since.  The fitted sheet was difficult to make, the top sheet too small.  and the flannel  not fine.  Finally,  Ken ordered new flannel sheets.  He ordered fine, deep pockets sheets.  The sheets were easy to make and soft to the skin.  Another simple pleasure arrived into my life.

Today I sat by the pond enjoying the three blooming lilies.  And three more buds are waiting to bloom.   Even in mid September, the pond is beautiful.   The lilies are another simple pleasure in my life, not dramatic, not earth shaking but make me feel good.  I early learned that the quiet smiles bring great joy.

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