Friday, September 9, 2016

September 9, 2016. Western Head, Nova Scotia. A Special Day.

Today, the four ladies took Bernard, our artist friend, out for lunch.  Mary, Wendy, Gill and I try to take him out once each summer.  He likes to be taken out by the ladies and we enjoying taking him.   When you stop by his home for a visit, he often is so keen to talk that it is difficult to get away in a reasonable time but when we take him for lunch, we have a fixed schedule.  We have done this for several years and it works for the ladies as well as Bernie.  Today we took him to White Point.  He had not seen the newly built lodge so he was pleased to see it and we like to dine there too.  We sat in the bar area,  at a big window overlooking the ocean, with Bernie sitting at the head of the table looking out to sea with the ladies on each side of the table with an equally excellent view.  Our conversation was lively and the food was excellent.  Mary organized the event which was enjoyed by all.  And we were driving home by 2:00.

Then this evening, the Dwems's had dinner at the Mitchell's home.  Soon we will move on to other abodes.   But tonight we pooled our resources.  The Ely's brought main course, Wu the salad and bread and Mitchell's dessert.  The Dickies brought only wine.  This whole summer has been busy so we have not seen much of each other.  This was only the second time we have dined together in summer 2016, so our dinner together was a treat.  Again, good conversation and excellent food.

I drove  home.  On our own truck, when you put on the turn signal, a light goes on showing the direction you are driving but this rental truck has no bells and whistles.  When I turned into our driveway I could not see a thing so almost missed it.  I had forgotten to turn on the light by the road so it was very dark.   Ken suggested that perhaps we should stop driving at night.  He might be right.

The day was spent with good friends, which makes for a special day even if I did almost go into the ditch.

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