Wednesday, December 28, 2016

December 28, 2016. Madison, Mississippi. The Pittsburgh Penguins.

I am always looking for something good on Television.  This week I spotted a movie about the Pittsburgh Penguins.  Ever since we have spent time at the farm, we cheer for the Pittsburgh teams.  Everyone at the farm supports the Steelers so of course we  always joined into their cheering.   Our friends at the farm had never heard of the Penguins, not being fans of hockey, but we have been cheering for the Steelers and the Penguins since 1973 when we bought our first farm.  That is, unless the Washington teams were playing them.  Then we cheered for the Washington Capitals and Redskins.

Did you know that for 20 years, a player from the Penguins won the award for the highest point total?  Four different players have owned that title.  First Mario, then Jagr, next Crosby and then Malkin. Many teams never have even one title and the Penguins have almost owned the title.  The movie tells the history of the Penguins.  It all happened within my lifetime so I was aware of what was happening but did not really know the details.  Now I have many facts and figures to spout about, if anyone asks.  The history of the team was interesting.  The movie moved along and I enjoyed every minute.  Now I watch them play with new knowledge of where they came from.  They are a great team to watch.  Now this year we will see how far they go into the playoffs.  I was interested to see how a successful team is put together.  Look for it on the menu.  The movie is worth  watching.

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