Friday, December 30, 2016

December 30, 2016. Madison, Mississippi. Football.

Evidently, the number of people watching football on TV has been dramatically decreased.  Some estimates are down 40%.  I have been wondering why and so have been looking carefully to see why..  I have decided that there are good reasons why people are no longer watching football.

The number of penalties is extraordinary.  While Ken and I watched a few minutes of a game, we counted 10 penalties in a row.  I know they are trying to make the game safer, but the game is being stifled.  A second irritation is the consultation of the officials with each other.  While they huddle together, we wait, and are bored.    Another aspect of the game that slows it down is the challenges.  Again, we wait while the officials in some remote spot decide the correct answer.   The delays slow the speed of the game to a crawl and finally we switch channels.  There is not enough action during a football game.

The last bone of contention for me is the players.   They are just not very good.   I see passes missed  that should have been caught.  I see players running the wrong route.   I see players who are being well paid to play defense acting like fools when they make a clever play.  I want them to get on with the game.

Many parents are not allowing their sons play football because of the concussions.  Instead the boys are playing lacrosse.  It will be interesting to see what happens to football over the next 10 years.  My observation is that in trying to improve the game they have messed it up so much that people are not watching.  Time will tell.

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