Wednesday, July 19, 2017

July 19, 2017. Western Head, Nova Scotia. Irene.

Irene will need a rest when she returns to Ontario.  She has been attending to our every need along with Dave's.  Each afternoon around 4:00, the caterer delivers our meal and puts the food into the fridge in the garage.  Instructions are written on the covers telling us what to do.   Irene's habit was to come from the Guest House each evening around 5:00 to set the table and put the food in the oven.  She calculates the times for each container and makes sure dinner is ready around 7:00.   Everyone is happy.  In addition she always filled the water glasses and pitchers, adding the ice just before dinner.

I was feeling guilty so started to set the table early in the afternoon, so when Irene arrived, the table was set.  But Irene is being helpful and wants to ease my load so now she sets the table right after lunch.  Ken has been ordering lots of stuff from Amazon so we have many boxes collecting in the garage.  Irene broke down all the boxes so when we went to the cottage and were ready to load our trash in the truck, all the cardboard was stacked on the table ready for Mal to place in the truck bed.

No person has ever lived with us that is as helpful as Irene.  My Wonderful Wendy is the daughter of Irene.  Wendy learned everything from Irene.  I have known Irene since about 1950.  We have never had a harsh word.   She has shared my life ever since, along with Ken and the boys.  Irene is quietly  competent.  We have enjoyed having them visiting us here in Nova Scotia.  But now she will need to return home and have a good rest after looking after us here.  Gold star to Irene, my sister in law who is at the top of the list of wonderful guests.

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