Thursday, July 27, 2017

July 27, 2017. Western Head, Nova Scotia. Settlements.

Our ranch settled today, thanks to cell phones and e mails.  Kerrville title did not plan ahead so yesterday they were in a panic.  But between all of us, we were able to accomplish the task.  A document was sent to us from our estate planning company.  We went to the attorney in town to have our signatures motorized and we e mailed it to the Title Company.  So David signed all the papers and it is done.  We already miss that place but the new purchaser is overjoyed, so we are pleased too.

Settlements go well if everyone does their job in a timely fashion.  Kerrvill Title was slow to pick up the case until the day before settlement so we were forced to jump through hoops, all at the last minute.  But it got done and on the same day as in the contract.  Despite my original anxiety about our real estate agent who was not on multiple list, he proved to be capable and confident so his system of marketing worked well.  Now the ranch is a happy memory.

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