Saturday, October 13, 2018

October 13, 2018. The Mississippi River. Almost a Disaster.

I made two errors which fortunately did no harm to me. But it could have been a disaster. Tuesday morning at the Peabody Hotel in Memphis, breakfast was held in a lovely round room on the top floor. Everywhere you looked you could see windows. The room was designed on tiers. One step down to the chairs and tables and one more step down to another set of chairs. Each set of stairs included a ramp in the center. The food was on to top level. A helper took Ken to a table and helped him down the ramp. I got my food and forgot the first step and I fell down the one stair. Food went everywhere and I was helped up and taken to the table where Ken was sitting. I was fine. But it could have been worse. After breakfast we went to our room before meeting at 10:00 to board the bus to the boat. We both stretched out on the bed. Then we went to get on the bus. As we was sitting in the front of the bus I discovered to my horror that I had forgotten to pick up my purse. I had left it on the bed. I quickly got some help. A young bellman offered to run up the room and retrieve my purse, which he did. I was so relieved when he came around the corner from the elevator holding my purse. I hugged him and gave him a tip. When you travel, you must keep your wits about you at all times. I knew I had just had three days of stress and I should have been on high alert. Instead I left down my guards. Fortunately my stupidity caused no harm, except to keep me humble. But it was nip and tuck.

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