Monday, October 1, 2018

October 1, 2018. Western Head, Nova Scotia. Out of Sorts.

Walt and Mary came over the afternoon. As Mary came in the door, she said, "Be careful. I am out of sorts today and I am likely to be cross.." Walt agreed with her. And we all laughed. I had to admit it that I too had been sharp with two people on the phone this afternoon. For me, that was unusual. Even if I am irritated and not patient, I usually am polite. But not today. The accountant's assistant called for questions, which I had already answered months ago. Now of course, I must look up the answers because I had paid not attention to the answers the last time. I had never spoken to the lady before. Barbara, the head of the company is my friend. I hate inefficient people and I told the assistant how irritated I was. I was not kind. Next I wanted to watch the baseball game and could not find it on my TV. I knew the game was being played and I again was irritated. So I called Eastlink only be told that in order to switch one Chanel for another they must cancel the order to put my system on vacation because they can only process one order at a time in their system. Stupidity in action. I finally gave up. It took me thirty minutes to process the order putting thee systems on vacation and I certainly did not wish to repeat the process. Next season I will get it straight. But not today. Then Mary came and we all laughed and I realized I had been ridiculous. The problem I think was my feet. Normally I wear wool socks when the temperature drops. Today was a lovely autumn day but I should have put on my socks. Tomorrow I will not forget and I will try to not bite off anyones head. It was all the fault of my socks.

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