Wednesday, October 31, 2018

October 31, 2018. Madison, Mississippi. Neighborhood Tragedy.

We saw many police cars, fire trucks and emergency vehicles on the road in our sleepy little subdivision. Keshina and I were returning from the pharmacy. The emergency vehicles were not there when we left. I wondered if someone had a fire. She suggested that someone had fallen. But we went home and forgot about it. I never even mentioned it to Ken. Then I received an e mail from the secretary of the homeowners association to tell me the story. This afternoon, while Bill was power washing his deck, a railing gave way as he backed into it and he fell onto the rocks. We live on a bluff. He died from trauma to the brain. Now I do not know Bill but someone who is active enough to power wash his deck does not need to be dying. It is a true neighborhood tragedy. The e mail to me was to tell us what had happened and to warn us about the press and media folks. Evidently, the TV reported the tragedy, including the address and subdivision. People had already been driving by to look at the subdivision. Our neighborhood is small with a gate. We are alerted to not allow folks to come in after you enter. How you do this I do not know. But we are supposed to tell authorities. Needless to say, so trick or treaters came to our door tonight. A tragedy had occurred in Roses Bluff Subdivision. On another note, our friend Don turned 85 today. Doreen has reported that she is now officially living with an old man.

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