Friday, October 10, 2008

October 10, 2008. Bethesda, Md. Moving Day.

Ken has spent two days at the home of Andrew and Christina. Yesterday the company packed up all their belongings. Ken was there to make sure that everything that was to be left was left behind and everything that was to be moved to Mississippi was put into boxes. It was a long day. He came home at 6:30, looking very weary. Of course, while he was there he cut the lawn, which he has not done for many years. But by last evening, everything had been put into boxes. Except they will not pack coins, or knives or liquids, so his trunk is full of all that stuff. Today was moving day. All the boxes and furniture are being loaded on a very large truck, to be transported to a storage facility, until such time they decide where they will be living. The plan is to rent a house in Jackson until they know that Jackson will be their permanent home. It seems like a good plan to me.

Christina was intending to come up to Bethesda to oversee the packing and moving, but I volunteered us to help out. Actually, I volunteered Ken to help out, as I was at work both Thursday and Friday. This has a pattern in our lives. I agree to have the both of us to help out, but Ken is the one that ends doing the job. Years ago, Alice Anne asked me if I thought we could transport her small sailboat out to her Marina on the top of our big car, and I of course told her yes, no problem. When I told Ken what I had agreed to do, he told me all the reasons why we could not do it, except he was the one who got the job done, while I was at work. Somethings never change. So he is over at Mass. Ave. overseeing the moving. Of course, we go to the farm at noon, so my friend Suzanne is going over at noon to take over and see the moving through to the end. However, nothing is ever easy. Suzanne is leaving this evening for the Gold Team trip to the Caribbean, so we need the job done quickly. Jose will be the fall back person and will attend settlement for Andrew and Christina. So we have a host of folks here helping out, on the journey to their next home. Thank heavens for family and friends.

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