Friday, April 10, 2009

April 10, 2009. Nuevo Vallarta, Mexico. The Bus Ride.

Curva Peligro!! Curva Peligro!! I could read what it meant by the dangerous curves we were rounding at great speed, but obviously the bus driver could not read. I thought for sure we were going to end up in the ditch or down the mountain, but in the course of time, we arrived all in one piece at our destination, Punta Mita. Now when you get out your map you will find Punta Mita right at the point of Bandara's Bay just north of us. Years ago when we were first in Puerto Vallarta with Bernie's trip we took a trip to Punta Mita, just when The Four Season's resort was opening. The golf course was open and running, as was the hotel, and we could walk all around the place. We even looked at some lots that were for sale. At that time, it was the most expensive place in the whole area, with lots selling for a million or more US Dollars. Now you can not get into the resort, unless you have a reservation for lunch, but a whole town has grown up around what was once a sleepy little fishing village. Ken and I decided to take the bus to Punta Mita.

First we took a bus right in front of our resort, heading out to the highway, where we got off. In order to get our next bus to Punta Mita, we were required to cross the main highway, which we did, but not easily. Our next bus driver saw us trying to get across the road, and that kind soul waited for us to get across. I was waiting for a good clear space, and finally Ken hollered for me to "Run now", so I did. If I had known that the bus driver could not or would not pay attention to the signs I would have waited for the next bus. The trip was interesting, through several towns and many ranches and resorts. The beaches were loaded with people, all beaches were full of people, all along the road. Our journey ran parallel to the shore all the way. This was Good Friday, and evidently in Mexico the custom is to go to the beach. On our journey back home, the driver drove more carefully, but as we sat in the front seat and Ken could see the road ahead of us, Ken's developed a headache half way home. The total cost of our trip was under five Dollars on the bus rides both out and back, but I bet we both have more gray hair!!

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