Tuesday, April 21, 2009

April 21, 2009. Chevy Chase, Md. Dentists Galore.

I expected to be there one hour. Of course, I did not ask how long it would take to stick in my permanent front crowns. I just decided that one hour should do it. I am always optimistic. At 1:30 I had an appointment with my Dentist to check my two implants. All went well with that inspection and in four months the next phase will be done, so I am pleased about that. My real Dentist, the one who has the house down the shore from us in Nova Scotia, was finishing up my crowns at 2:00. I was all set to get done quickly so I could go back to work. I finally got back to the Office at 5:00. Actually, I am not quite perfect. My Dentist did not like a tiny gap at the top of my two front teeth, and wanted to put by temporary crowns back in my mouth and send the new ones back to be redone. I refused to do it. I said that I did not intend to be perfect, just modern, so we proceeded to install the four crowns. They were installed very carefully. I just wanted it to be done so I could leave. Now I have no appointments with any dentist until the end of July. This is a great blessing.

On a whim, I decided to use my funds from my annual bonus to make my teeth modern. Fortunately, due to two cancellations, I was able that very week to get the two teeth repairs started. Of course, I had previously discussed the issue with Ken, and he agreed that it was a good idea. He was unwilling to make his own teeth modern, due to the expense. If a week or two had elapsed prior to the appointments, I would have changed my mind and talked myself out of it. It has taken so many hours of my time, let alone the hassle with the mouth. Now that is all over, and I can sail ahead with my very modern mouth. If you had asked me two months ago about these two changes with my teeth I would have laughed at you, but on a whim I made the decision, and just did it. Now I am pleased but poor.

1 comment:

dchapman said...

I can relate, maybe not to the same type of wk done, but as far the $$ & hrs it took, it was worth becoming 'modern' (: