Monday, April 13, 2009

April 13, 2009. Mexico. Reading.

In every stage of my life, reading has been important to me. It would be very difficult for me not to be able to read. My memory of learning to read is non existent and no one in my family recalls whether I read early or late, but I do know that as a child I always had my nose in a book. When I was in the sixth grade at Edith Cavell School in Vancouver, I had the good fortune to have the Library as my home room, so each morning I would take a book from the shelf just behind my chair. I was in front of the G shelf as I recall. I took that new book with me throughout the day, and read when things got boring in the classes, returning the book to the shelf at the end of the day for our final check of the day. Mostly I was finished the book at the end of the day. At church we had a Library, so each Sunday I checked out a book or two, then read all through morning service of course with a Bible covering the book. I am sure my Mother knew what I was doing, but probably was happy to have me quiet. Books have always been my great salvation and my entertainment. I am fortunate to have come from a long line of readers so books were always hanging around our house.

Now I have just completed another Biography, this one called 'American Lion: Andrew Jackson", by Jon Meacham. It is new but I was especially interested to read this book after Truman referred to President Jackson so often in the Truman Biography. I have studied American History both in Canada and the US but have never had a good grasp on President Jackson. Now I am up to date with all his strengths and weaknesses. Now I am about half through 'Infidel' by Ayaan Hirsi Ali. She is the woman who made the short film where the co-producer was killed. The author was living in Holland and was kept under guard, finally was deported, and now lives in the US. The question I have asked for a long time has to do with the American Feminists. Why are they not helping or even discussing the life of women in Muslim society? This book is horrifying. I feel so fortunate to have been brought up in Canada, and now live in the US where women have options.

Now I have a problem. I have only one book on my Kindle and that is a short one. F. Scott Fitzgerald's 'The Beauty and the Damned". Must be time to go home where I still have a stack of book waiting to be read. Such joy in the anticipation!!

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