Wednesday, April 29, 2009

April 29, 2009. Chevy Chase, Md. Parking.

We are almost there. Two more good ideas surfaced from two different agents over night which we will incorporate into our plan. The staff and Managers met this morning and made suggestions too. Betty wrote the new plan up, and this afternoon I spoke to about ten agents to take a look at our proposal and to give suggestions. May 12 the Agent's Council will meet for final approval, with June 1 the start date. The plan still requires full co-operation from the agents.
Here is the plan: 1. Five slots designated for clients. 2. Fifteen minutes only for agents. 3. One slot the duty agent for their two hours. 4. Every month we will hold a parking raffle. The agent may put five dollars in the pot and at the end of the month we draw the name at the Sales Meeting. That agent can park each month in our lot. The funds to be donated to Bethesda Cares. 5. For three hundred dollars each month, with cheques made out to Bethesda Gateway Long and Foster, the agent may park all day in our lot.

Now this is a good plan and we will have some fun with it. Now we await the results. Thanks to Mario and Brad and Merlin for the good ideas. Many brains are always better than just a few.

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