Friday, December 11, 2009

December 11, 2009. Chevy Chase, Md. Landings.

It was a bit disconcerting. The journey from Houston to Washington was quick. With a hundred mile an hour tail wind we arrived in under two hours. thirty minutes sooner than normal. All seemed fine, except arriving at National airport is always a bit difficult because you must all of a sudden drop down , slow up and land, just like that. Three sides are water and the runway is short. So we were landing and out the window I see the river almost parallel to me, except it felt as if we were going too fast. All of a sudden the plane engine powered up and we took off up to the sky, only to circle around and try again.

The second landing was fine, except with a big bump. As we were waiting to get off the plane, the man in front of me commented that he did not care how many times the pilot needed to practice the landing, as sure as he got it right!! No explanation was given to the passengers which I thought was interesting.

Now we are home, opening mail and getting ready to drive to the farm tomorrow. The minute we are here in Washington Ken starts coughing again. The air to me feels fine but not to him. It will be better at the farm, I am sure.

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