Monday, December 14, 2009

December 14, 2009. Bethesda, Md. The Hill.

It was pure ice, top to bottom, so we left the truck at the bottom of the hill and walked up to the hill house. The air warmed up in the afternoon so we chanced the hill in the truck in order to visit our friends Helen and Alan, but by the time we got back home, the temperature had fallen so now everything was once again frozen solid. Fortunately we could walk on the side of the road in the snow because we would never have been able to walk on the road. Once in the house we organized our belongings and drove down the hill in the gator, the same one that drove over Ken's leg. We kept one wheel in the snow and one on the road. Slow driving got us safely to the bottom. Also we did not buckle up our seat belts to be ready to bale out!!

We stayed overnight in the old farm house. It was re-assuring to know that everything was in place in our bedroom, ready for our next visit. Nightshirts in the drawer, also underwear and deodorant!! The old house was very pleasant, reading in the living room. The next time we come up we will provide provisions for the pantry, although peanut butter and toast tasted pretty good. Even the shower worked well with everything necessary to function. I was pleased.

This morning we drove into town, arriving home at eleven and at work in time for lunch. This will be our new system, coming back to Bethesda on Monday morning. Today it worked well.

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