Friday, December 18, 2009

December 18, 2009. Artemas, Pa. Celebrations.

Last night we celebrated. Actually, we were about to celebrate anyway at our annual Holiday Party, but when we broke the Billion Dollar mark we really celebrated in earnest. It was four o'clock, when Carol E. received another ratified contract that put us over the Billion Dollar Mark for the fifth time. It is a bit of a puzzle to other agents and other offices as other offices have more agents and other offices are situated in Bethesda, but our volume is much greater. It is all a puzzle to them.

Our part ywas wonderful of course, with the agents very pleased to have made our goal for the year. It is really quite an astonishing feat in this year of gloom and doom in the economy, to have achieved this volume of sales. I must say thought, this year has incredibly difficult for the agents. Every case was fraught with issues needing resolution from the beginning to the end of the transaction. Great patience and expertise was required. But the agents help each other, even though they really are true competitors, and that spirit of helpfulness won the day. So last night we ate and drank and made merry, something we are very good at doing.

Last evening everyone talked all night. Very little dancing, which is unusual, but people sat and talked. Good food, good friends, ample refreshment means for a fine time. And of course, we always like to pat ourselves on our backs. Humble but proud. Is this an oxymoron?

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